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Enjoy Yourself at the Top Chef Cookbook Party

Fans of Bravo TV’s wildly popular “Top Chef” show will want to head to the Purcell Murray Culinary Amphitheater in Brisbane, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Dec. 8.

Former Bay Area contestants, Jamie Lauren, Jennifer Biesty and Ryan Scott will be on hand to do cooking demonstrations and signings of the book, “Top Chef: The Quickfire Cookbook” (Chronicle Books).

What’s more, you can enjoy sips of the new Top Chef Quickfire Wines (hmmm, wonder how well those go with vending machine fare?).

Price is $45 per person, and includes a copy of the cookbook.

To RSVP to the event, call Larissa Taboryski at (415) 330-5550 or email: topchefrsvp@purcellmurray.com