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Malt Balls for Grown-Ups

If the Easter Bunny doesn’t leave you some of these babies, don’t despair.

You can get them on your own from San Francisco’s premier chocolatier, Recchiuti Confections.

Malted Dark Revolutions (how’s that for a snazzy name) have turned the classic malt ball on its head. Bite into these glossy orbs and you’ll discover a crunchy malted cookie covered in a proprietary blend of dark milk chocolate.

They’re sweet, crisp, milky tasting and with a faint saltiness from a finishing touch of fleur de sel. Leave a bowl of them out and they’re sure to be inhaled.

A 5-ounce box is $11; a 12-ounce box is $19. Find them at the Recchiuti Confections flagship store in San Francisco’s Ferry Building, on the Recchiuti Web site, and various retailers such as Bi-Rite Market in San Francisco.

Other Chocolate Worth Checking Out: See’s Chocolate Chips

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