Tag Archives: Paula Forbes

Take A Whiff — And Taste — Of Gingerbread Pancakes

This time of year cries out for gingerbread pancakes.

This time of year cries out for gingerbread pancakes.


When it comes to Austin, I can’t help but think barbecue, Tex-Mex and food trucks galore.

Now, it’s become synonymous with gingerbread pancakes, too.

That’s because in “The Austin Cookbook” (Abrams), of which I received a review copy, there is a wonderful recipe for just that from Magnolia Cafe, a beloved institution that’s not only open 24/7, but serves breakfast anytime.

The book, by food writer Paula Forbes, features more than 80 recipes that give a delicious overview of the city’s culinary traditions, from “Green Chile Queso” to “Mustard and Brown Sugar-Crusted Ribeye” to Bootsie’s Buttermilk Pie.”

Austin Cookbook. jpg

Being the ginger fanatic that I am, it’s no wonder that “Gingerbread Pancakes” called out to me.

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