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Much Ado About Madeleines

If you’re too swamped to bake this holiday season, the next best thing to homemade might just be Donsuemor Madeleines.

Namesakes Don and Sue Morris have been making traditional madeleines in the East Bay since 1976. Their elegant, scalloped-edged, cakey, buttery cookies are crispy along the edges, and soft and tender in the centers.

They are available in five flavors: traditional, dipped, lemon zest, chocolate, and dipped chocolate. Being the chocoholic that I am, my fave is definitely the chocolate-dipped chocolate madeleine. It’s like having your own tiny chocolate frosted cake in the palm of your hand — a sinful little treat to hoard all to yourself.

Just in time for the holidays, purchase a gift box of 20 individually wrapped, assorted madeleines for $19.99 through the Donsuemor Web site. Or if you live near Alameda, you can save a few bucks and pick up a gift box for $14.99 at the Donsumor factory there, 2080 North Loop Road; (888) 420-4441.

Give one to a dear friend. And another to yourself.