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Florida Expands Into the Caviar Game

A luxurious little potato crowned with creme fraiche and Black Opal caviar.


California may can lay claim to being the first producer of farmed caviar way back in 1993 with Sacramento County’s successful Sterling Caviar.

But now, the other side of the country is expanding its reach into the game, most notably Healthy Earth Inc.’s Black Opal caviar from Sarasota, FL.

It, too, is farm-raised, from Siberian black sturgeon fed a vegetarian diet. The company has worked with Sarasota’s Mote Marine Laboratory to grow the sturgeon for both meat and caviar.

Last summer, the company started selling its first caviar. I had a chance to try a sample of the Platinum Malossol, which retails for $76.50 per ounce.

A mother of pearl spoon is traditionally used on caviar to guard against imparting a metallic flavor to the eggs.

“Malossol” is the Russian term for high-grade caviar that’s lightly salted. The teeny 2.44mm eggs pop gently as you chew. They are very buttery tasting, and not overly salty at all. The finish brings a subtle briny fishiness.

With Caspian Sea sturgeon still so imperiled, it’s nice to see more potentially eco-conscious alternatives available.