Category Archives: Health/Nutrition

Locale to Your Door

Locale's Miso wild salmon bowl.
Locale’s Miso wild salmon bowl.

These days, there are many ways to get prepared food delivered right to your door, be it from restaurants or meal kit services.

Bay Area-based Locale offers yet another option, one with some interesting advantages.

It was co-founded in 2020 by Chris Clark, who worked for a time in investment banking and venture capital. Like so many of us, he struggled to maintain a healthful diet while working long hours. So, he came up with Locale, a prepared meal service with dishes that are high in protein, fiber, and organic produce, and contain no processed ingredients.

Each meal is packed not in a plastic takeout container, but in a large reusable glass jar. The food needs only be reheated in the microwave or on the stovetop to enjoy. The jars can be left for pickup with your next order or simply reused or recycled on your own.

Six Locale meals delivered to my door in an insulated tote bag.
Six Locale meals delivered to my door in an insulated tote bag.

Locale makes deliveries each Monday to as far north as Marin, as east as Sacramento and as south as Carmel. The meals arrive in insulated totes, and are designed to be consumed within that week.

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Crunch-A-Licious Chickpeas

Roasted to a deep crunch, these chickpea snacks satisfy when you want a crispy nosh.
Roasted to a deep crunch, these chickpea snacks satisfy when you want a crispy nosh.

Chickpeas are an indispensable legume. They’re what give hummus its body. They bulk up soups, stews, and salads, and add a lovely nutty flavor.

They also give potato chips a run for their money in the form of Festive Chickpeas, a snack of crispy, fried garbanzos that have 5 grams of protein, 190 milligrams of potassium, and 4 grams of dietary fiber per 1-ounce serving.

They come in a variety of flavors, of which I received samples recently. They are soy-free, gluten-free, non-GMO, and vegan (with the exception of the BBQ variety). They are roasted in canola oil, then seasoned with sea salt, sugar, yeast extract, and other seasonings.

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Chef Jeremy Fox’s Yellow Eye Soup with Rancho Gordo Heirloom Beans

Yes, there's a lot of garlic in this veggie-bean soup, but you'll welcome it, I promise.
Yes, there’s a lot of garlic in this veggie-bean soup, but you’ll welcome it, I promise.

If I told you this soup takes more than two heads of garlic to make, would you balk?

Fear not, though, because that copious amount won’t result in a dish (or home-cook) that reeks. The garlic taste is prominent to be sure, but it’s not aggressively sharp or overwhelming pungent. Instead, it gives this vegan bean and veggie soup a deep, delicious flavor that you taste and feel all the way to your core. In other words, the kind of soup your body craves especially at this time of year.

“Jeremy Fox’s Yellow Eye Soup” is from the new “The Bean Book” (Ten Speed Press, 2014), of which I received a review copy.

It was written by Steve Sando, the founder of Napa’s Rancho Gordo, a specialty food company known for growing and sourcing heirloom beans prized by discriminating chefs and home-cooks around the country; and Julia Newberry, general manager of Rancho Gordo.

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Sponsored Post: Savor the Holidays with Farro Salad with Pistachios, Tarragon, and Pazazz Apples

Enjoy this farro and apple salad on the go or at your holiday table.
Enjoy this farro and apple salad on the go or at your holiday table.

As the holidays roll around, so does our appetite for indulgence. But that doesn’t mean our well-intentioned eating habits have to fall by the wayside even when we treat ourselves lavishly.

“Farro Salad with Pistachios, Tarragon, and Pazazz Apples” is the perfect example of that.

This delicious salad is packed with good-for-you fiber from chewy, nutty tasting farro and fresh, juicy slices of apple. Best yet, most of it can be prepared ahead of time, a real plus when you’re juggling multiple dishes to prepare for your holiday table.

Now’s the perfect time to pick up Pazazz apples at Albertsons, Safeway, and Vons. Grown by a small group of family farmers across North America, this late-season variety that’s related to the Honeycrisp is at its peak now through June.

With shiny red skin like a holiday ornament along with yellow-green striations here and there, these apples are so snappy, and bursting with sweet, tangy juice.

Crunchy, juicy Pazazz apples are at their peak through June.
Crunchy, juicy Pazazz apples are at their peak through June.

What’s more, apples are extremely rich in fiber, with one medium one providing 4.4 grams of dietary fiber or about 16 percent of the recommended daily value. For this grain salad, I purposely don’t peel the apple, as that would slash the fruit’s fiber content by half.

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Discover What’s Sure To Be Your New Favorite Cornbread — Made with Masa Harina

Ditch the cornmeal for masa harina instead for this outstanding cornbread.
Ditch the cornmeal for masa harina instead for this outstanding cornbread.

When a craving for cornbread hit one day, Los Angeles recipe developer Jess Damuck didn’t run to the store upon realizing she was out of cornmeal. Nope, instead she reached for masa harina instead.

And in the process created the very best version of cornbread.

Moist, fluffy yet somehow crumbly, “Masa Harina Cornbread” exudes deep corn taste like there’s no tomorrow.

The recipe is from her new cookbook, “Health Nut” (Abrams), of which I received a review copy.

Don’t let the title scare you, as this isn’t a rigid cookbook filled with good-for-you recipes that aren’t necessarily the most satisfying. Instead, Damuck, a former culinary producer for Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, has assembled more than 100 recipes that make use of real butter, real cheese, and whatever type of milk you prefer.

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