Indulge In Scandinavian Brunsviger (Brown Sugar “Focaccia” Cake)

Is it focaccia?
Or is it cake?
It’s kind of both. And boy, is it dang delicious.
It looks exactly like focaccia with its dimpled top, which creates perfect crevices to hold the buttery, sweet syrup that gets poured over its entire surface before baking.
Take a taste, and it’s as if pancakes drenched in butter and syrup were transformed into focaccia instead.
“Brown Sugar ‘Focaccia’ Cake,” otherwise known as brunsviger, hails from Funen, the third largest island in Denmark and the birthplace of Hans Christian Anderson.
It’s a featured recipe in the new “Scandinavian from Scratch” (Ten Speed Press, 2023), of which I received a review copy.

Described as a “love letter to the baking of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden,” it was written by Nichole Accettola, an American chef and graduate of the Culinary Institute of America who lived in Denmark for 15 years and now runs Kantine, a Scandinavian bakery in San Francisco.
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