Pizza Night, Part I: Grilled Ortolona Pizza with Zucchini, Eggplant, and Olives

If left to his own devices, my husband would happily eat pizza every day. For every meal.
So, it’s no wonder that we’re always up for trying a new pizza recipe.
The latest: “Grilled Ortolona Pizza with Zucchini, Eggplant, and Olives.”
It’s a recipe from “Pizza Night” (Clarkson Potter) of which I received a review copy. Written by Alexandra Stafford, the New York-based creator of the blog, Alexandra’s Kitchen, it has a two-for-one format: Every pizza recipe comes complete with an accompanying salad recipe.

Stafford divides the book by seasons, and includes five different dough recipes: “Neapolitanish,” “Sourdough Neapolitanish,” “Thin-Crust,” “Pan Pizza,” and “Gluten-Free Pizza.”
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