In the Mood For Hot Buttered Rum

Pardon me while I lounge in front of this roaring fire.
With a plush throw wrapped around me.
And my feet snuggled inside way-too-cute, furry white bunny slippers with the floppiest ears.
OK, maybe not. But sipping this soothing warm drink sure makes me feel as if I’m doing all of that.
When’s the last time you had a “Hot Buttered Rum”?
Me? I can’t even remember.
What a shame that is. Because once you take a sip, you’ll wonder why you haven’t been enjoying more of these regularly.
I thank Toni Tipton-Martin and her new book, “Juke Joints, Jazz Clubs & Juice” (Clarkson Potter, 2023), of which I received a review copy, for reminding me of the pleasures of this cozy drink.

The culinary journalist and editor-in-chief of Cook’s Country magazine has used her expertise and passion for historic research to write a book that pays homage to Black drinking culture through the ages by spotlighting its hospitality, creativity, and longevity.
You’ll be thirsting to make everything from “Strawberry Wine,” “Coffee Liqueur,” and “Pomegranate-Demerara Rum Punch” to “Pineapple-Lemon Highball,” “Absinthe Frappe,” and the clever, non-alcoholic “Cosmockpolitan.”
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