Sundays at the Village Pub

Lobster salad is a decadent way to start a Sunday. (Photo courtesy of the Village Pub)

Brunch is now being served on Sundays at the Village Pub in Woodside.

What a way to wake up, too!

Nosh on lemon ricotta souffle pancakes with blueberry butter ($13); eggs Benedict ($15); house-smoked sturgeon with sturgeon caviar ($17); Maine lobster salad with sweet corn blini and succotash $19); and the most expensive item, grilled New York steak with red-wine poached egg, foie gras and black truffles ($31).

Eggs Benedict. (Photo courtesy of the Village Pub)

Proprietor Mark Sullivan, who is also the chef-partner of sister-restaurant, Spruce in San Francisco, has a lot to be proud of lately. First up, a second location of Spruce will open July 29 at the Dakota Mountain Lodge in Utah.

Sullivan will be splitting his time between Utah and San Francisco to get the new Spruce Park City up and running.

Smoked sturgeon and sturgeon caviar. (Photo courtesy of the Village Pub)

Last, but not least, Sullivan trounced three other San Francisco chefs in the recent “Second Annual Grill Fest: Burger Challenge.” The event, organized by CUESA, the Center for Urban Education about Sustainable Agriculture, which runs the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market in San Francisco, also featured Andrew Swallow of Mixt Greens, Taylor Boetticher of the Fatted Calf, and Elizabeth Falkner of Orson.

Sullivan’s winning entry was an inventive goat burger (yes, goat!) prepared with harissa, mint, and garlic, then wrapped in a fig leaf. The burger was grilled, topped with tangy aged goat cheese, then snuggled inside one of Spruce’s house-made English muffin buns. Accompanying it was fig chutney. My, oh my.

For those curious to try it, you’ll be glad to know that Sullivan plans on featuring the goat burger as a special from time to time at Spruce in San Francisco.

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  • Wow, that lobster salad looks crazy good! That is a decadent way to wake up. I have to get my way to Spruce because I’ve tried Sullivan’s food a few times at tasting events and they’re always so good. I’ve heard his burgers are the best in the city.

  • (Drooling on my keyboard!)

    This time a few years ago we were visiting friends in Maine who graciously catered to my mission of eating lobster for every meal. Who knew I could breakfast on the stuff just up our very own freeway?

    Thanks (I think) for this, Carolyn πŸ™‚

  • Wow. Your photos are stunning. I want those pancakes. My grandparents actually live 1/2 a mile from the Village Pub in Woodside so maybe I’ll get them to take me to brunch there next time I visit. hehehe.

  • Ladies and Gents: Wish I could take credit for the lovely photos this time, but they were taken by the restaurant’s publicist. Hence, if you put your cursor over the photo, you will see it says “Photo Courtesy of the Village Pub.” If you put your cursor over any other photos on the blog and see no such credit, then yours truly did take them. πŸ˜‰

  • omg, for a second I thought that lobster salad had a frog on it! yikes!! everything looks super delicious. the more i read your blog, the more I think a trip to SF is in order…

  • I have wanted to try the Village Pub for so long, we always end up at Alice’s Restaurant as we’re usually coming from a run – I’ll have to convince the hubby we need to come “fresh”

  • Oh, wow…brunch is my fav. $31 for breakfast? Sounds totally worth it, actually!
    And I’m loving all the info on SF restaurants, since I’ll be visiting next week! Keep them coming πŸ™‚

  • Delicious ! I love Sundays Brunch Sounds like a great place to spend with family and friends πŸ™‚

    Thanks for sharing great Info!

    Have a wonderful Day ~~~

  • Somebody told me about the VP a few years ago but I’ve never made the trek out there. Sounds like a great special place to visit the next time I want to impress out of town guests for brunch (and not cook!).

  • Okay, the lobster? Um, yes. Right now, please.
    And blueberry butter on lemon pancakes sounds like an actual dream. I don’t even know what blueberry butter is exactly, but I know I want it. Too, too good.

  • Goat burger, huh! Sounds great.

    About a year ago, I read about goat in Time magazine. It’s very, very popular worldwide, except for the US, where it’s not commercial, because of the low yield per animal. Too bad — it’s flavorful and has less saturated fat than beef. I went on a quest and found that it’s available locally at Halal meat markets. I bought some at one on El Camino in Santa Clara. I could not find many cuts, mostly some non-descript “stew” meat.

    It was quite good. I grilled some and if memory serves, I think I also made a stew.

  • That lobster looks SO good! Well, so does that Eggs Benedict, actually. I can’t wait to try this place out!

  • These dishes look amazing – I’ll take any one (or all) of them!

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