Of Fathers, Husbands and Vanilla Ice Cream
![A vanilla ice cream that husbands and fathers are sure to love -- if not everyone else on the planet.](https://www.foodgal.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/BiRiteVanillaIceCream.jpg)
A vanilla ice cream that husbands and fathers are sure to love — if not everyone else on the planet.
My husband likes to joke that I married my father.
And it’s true — they are uncannily alike in many ways.
My Dad couldn’t get enough of cop shows on TV. Neither can my husband.
Both like to eat and run. I’d barely have time to swallow the last spoonful of dessert at a restaurant, before my Dad would be jingling his car keys and pushing his chair back to head home. My husband, as much as he hates to acknowledge it, has been known to do the same.
My Dad also liked nothing better than to end a meal by indulging in a scoop of ice cream. He’d go to the freezer, take out the tub and carefully fill a coffee cup, before digging a spoon in, contently. If there’s no ice cream in our house, my husband will feign wanting to go for a walk, just so he can stop by the neighborhood ice cream shop on the way home.
Their flavor of choice? Vanilla. Always.
Me? I usually zero in on the Chunky Monkey, the Sicilian Pistachio, the Basil, the Strawberry Balsamic. Anything but vanilla.
I never understood why, when faced with so many more unusual flavors, anyone would choose vanilla.
But now that I’m older, I get it.
You always hear how the tell of young chefs is that they’re prone to adding as many ingredients and techniques on one plate as they can. But as chefs mature, they pare back, realizing that simplicity is not only harder to execute, but also in the end if done well, more meaningful and memorable.
The same with vanilla ice cream.