Tag Archives: fish market

Fulton Fish Market Debuts New Online Delivery

Atlantic halibut delivered to my door via Fulton Fish Market that I cooked up for dinner.

Atlantic halibut delivered to my door via Fulton Fish Market that I cooked up for dinner.


The Fulton Fish Market has a storied history.

Originally established in 1822, it is one of the oldest markets in the country. Over the years, it has also grown into one of the most important East Coast fish markets in the country. Second in size only to Tsukiji fish market in Tokyo, it handles millions of pounds of seafood daily from the United States and internationally.

Recently, it started a new online delivery program for consumers, which I was invited to try out for free.

I received two samples: A one-pound fillet ($35) of Fjord salmon, farm-raised in Denmark without antibiotics or GMOs; and a one-pound fillet ($27) of wild Atlantic halibut. They arrived in the mail neatly wrapped in plastic wrap and packed with ice packs.

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