Sponsored Post: Baked Frangipane Apples with Pazazz

I’m the type of person who bakes when I’m happy.
Or sad.
Or stressed.
Or curious about a particular recipe.
Or simply want to spoil myself or others with something joyfully indulgent.
And at this time of year, when I bake with samples of fresh Pazazz apples, I get especially giddy because they are a natural mood booster.
Yes, apples are loaded with antioxidants that fuel neurotransmitters in the brain that trigger the release of dopamine that elevates the feelings of pleasure, contentment, and motivation.
This mighty fruit also helps lower cholesterol, decreases the risk of diabetes, aids in weight loss, promotes good digestion, and boasts anti-inflammatory properties.

Of course, they are mighty delicious, too. Ruby red with yellow-green striations, Pazazz are super snappy and full of sweet, tangy, quenching juice.
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