A Decorative, Delightful Food Gal Giveaway

My dining room, all spiffed up with a canvas made from one of my photos.

I can’t stop staring at the newest addition to my dining room.

See that artsy canvas hanging on the wall with the two cherries?

That’s actually one of my photos — enlarged and printed on a 30-inch-by-40-inch canvas frame. You might even recognize that particular image from the post I did awhile back about baking “Cherry Focaccia with Rosemary.” Here’s what it looked like:

My original image of the cherries.

How cool is that?

The free canvas came courtesy of EasyCanvasPrints, which offered me the chance to try out the photo-to-canvas process. All I had to do was pay the shipping cost.

The company offers a range of images to choose from. But of course, it’s way more fun to use one of your own photos.The larger the canvas, the higher the resolution your photo will need to be. The EasyCanvasPrints folks are great at getting back to you, too, if a sharper image is needed. You also can choose from various borders for your canvas, as well as color effects and retouching services.

I chose my photo of cherries because I liked the simplicity of the image. It’s not so fussy that I’d get tired of looking at it quickly. And when enlarged to that scale, it has a real presence in the room. Plus, it matched my deep red dining room walls so well.

I couldn’t be happier with the results. In fact, I’m already toying with turning another one of my photos into a large canvas for another wall — even if I’ll have to foot the bill for this one.

But hey, it’s a small price to pay to be so thoroughly mesmerized by my once plain wall, isn’t it?

Contest: One lucky Food Gal reader will win the opportunity to design a free 8-inch-by-10-inch canvas, courtesy of EasyCanvasPrints. Entries, limited to those in the continental United States, will be accepted through midnight PST Sept. 25. Winner will be announced Sept. 27.

How to win?

You’ve already seen what photo I chose for my canvas. Just tell me what kind of image you would choose for a canvas — and why. Best answer wins.

Winners of the Previous Contest: In last week’s Food Gal contest, I asked you to tell me a memorable factoid or two about yourself.

Two winners will each receive a free copy of the new book, “What Caesar Did for My Salad: The Curious Stories Behind Our Favorite Foods” (Perigee) by Albert Jack.

Congrats to:

Kelly, who wrote, “Interesting factoid about myself. How fun! IÒ€ℒm the kind of girl who should never be let near a hotel that leaves chocolates on the pillow. Despite being a self-proclaimed chocoholic I ALWAYS forget to take them off the pillow. I have TWICE woken up to find that the chocolate had melted all over me and the sheets looking as if something unspeakable had happened.”

Mitch M., who wrote, “I am the third generation involved in my familys orchard business. One of our staple crops for many years had been apricots(we only have a few acres today, mainly replaced by cherries), so you would think that it would be one of my favorite fruits, especialy since i consider myself very fortunate to be able to walk through an orchard, choose a random tree, and have my pick of any apricot I desire. Hardly! I can not stand the taste or texture of fresh apricots, but somehow, I can tolerate dried apricots.”

More Cherry Goodness: Cherry Focaccia with Rosemary

And: Raspberry-Cherry Crumble Bars

And: A Great Cherry Pie to Buy

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  • The canvas is absolutely beautiful! Beautiful dining room!

    I have a lot of food pics, and it would be fun to turn one of them into a canvas.

    However, I would choose a pic from my hiking trip in the Alps with my dad earlier in the year. He started a 30 day trip (in stages, about 10 days per year) to cross the Alps by foot last year, and when he was diagnosed with cancer in February, not being able to finish the trip was one of his concerns. A few days after he was diagnosed, I told him I’d visit in July, and if he was well enough, we’d go hiking in the Alps. Unfortunately, we only were able to hike 3 days, and not a week as planned. But I am very thankful for the trip and the memories. I do have some gorgeous photos from the trip, and a canvas of one of them would be wonderful.

  • I would use my photo of gumballs. It’s a macro photo, so the whole frame is just colorful balls. Alternatively, I’d love to use a portrait of my family, if a newer one existed! Maybe we should get on that…

  • The photo totally matches your wall! Nice job! (I, on the other hand, have no wall space left to put up my photos. This is what happens when one lives in a studio. πŸ™ )

  • I have yet to find or take this picture, but I would choose an image of a french baguette or croissant. If I could, I would go back to the small town of Montpellier in the south of France where my sister did her junior year abroad. It was there that I had the best baguette of my life. My family stumbled upon the store by accident – my sister and mother were off shopping, so my dad and I were left standing on the winding cobbled road. We caught the sight of multiple people carrying baguettes, still faintly steaming with freshness, and so, with curiosity and a hungry stomach, we searched for the origin of these baguettes. Only a few more feet down the road, we found it. And it was beautiful. It was the only French I spoke that entire: “Je voudrais une baguette s’il vous plait.” Sharing it with my dad, we all but melted with happiness; the baguette was so warm with a thin crunchy outer shell and soft, buttery and unbelievably fluffy inside. It was the best piece of bread I have ever eaten. And I long for the day when I can find another baguette that can match it.

  • Love it! The red on your walls is about the same color as I’m about to paint my dining room wall.

    I think I’d choose pomegranates or hakurei or plum tomatoes, all three I just fell in love with again, choosing shots for Moo cards. Maybe the heirloom plum tomatoes would be the ones if you want a good story: I wrote about heirloom tomatoes and how I love them. A friend said “I never got hot reading about produce before!”

  • Love the one you chose! I would choose a picture I took in Venice, Italy. It is of the canal and gondolas shot through an arch way. I just love the colors and how it looks completely unreal! actually you can see it on my background on twitter. http://twitter.com/#!/keelywhitmer

  • carolyn, that photo is GORGEOUS! i would do something like that myself with one of my food pictures.

  • Your photo is stunning, and it really looks wonderful on your wall!

  • I love the idea of having one’s own photographs canvasized! Although I love food pictures (and even some of my own) I would pick one I posted on my blog not too long ago, one of my two grandsons, 5 and 2, reaching their little hands through the split rail fence to pet our horse Levi. The picture is from the back and you can just tell the older boy is guiding his younger brother. It’s precious. (And it also happens to look great in black and white!)

  • I would use a gorgeous picture from a family trip to Alaska this past summer. We got dropped in by helicopter to the top of the glacier to go dog sledding at a camp on the top of the glacier. One of the coolest experiences I have ever had and we have some breathtaking photos from it. One of those scenery shots for sure!

  • I LOVE candy and I think it would be really cool to have a close-up of my favorite candies. Maybe that would satisfy my sweet tooth and save on dental bills… or not.
    Or I would get a canvas made of something video game themed from the 80’s because I’m a video game junkie (sad, but true) and I love old 8-bit video games.

  • I lived in England for six months where I was lucky enough to meet the man of my dreams. During the dead of winter, we took his dogs on a 7 mile hike through the woods behind his house. I took about a million pictures of beautiful English countryside, but one photograph stands out as my all time favorite. A lone tree stands in the middle of an deserted field, surrounded by powder white snow. My tree reminds me how precious my time in England was and how lucky I am to have someone to show me such beautiful secrets.

  • My picture would be of my dad and I at my graduation from fire academy. My father was a lieutenant for the police force of the same city I became I firefighter for. He brought his entire squad down for the ceremony and it was an incredible time where I have always felt like my dad was so proud. I would love a picture of us at this time so I could give it to him simply because I know it would be something we would both really love.

  • Ooh great choice Carolyn! And I’d love to see your kitchen if you’re showing us pics of your place! πŸ™‚

  • Um wow. that is CRAZY awesome! And it looks just perfect against that deep dark red wall!

  • Oh what a great giveaway!! Your photo turned out gorgeous! If I won I think I would use one of the pictures that I took in Napa CA.

  • i LOVE the cherries!
    my pick would be a shot i took of some cinnamon sticks. somehow along the way, i’ve become associated with cinnamon to my fellow bloggers. that might have something to do with the fact that i add it to everything! so cinnamon’s what i’ll always think of when i look back on my blogging days. πŸ™‚

  • Contest is closed. Come back tomorrow to see who won and for the start of another delicious contest.

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