Food Gal Contest: Win A Free Pair of Tickets to “Flavors of San Francisco: An Evening With the Masters”

Join yours truly at the “Flavors of San Francisco: An Evening With the Masters,” 5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. Nov. 13 at the H.L. Peninsula Restaurant in South San Francisco.
This gala dinner event benefits the research, education and advocacy efforts of the American Liver Foundation.
The evening includes a multi-course gourmet dinner, a cooking demo by celebrity Chef Martin Yan of San Francisco’s M.Y. China, and an auction.
There also will be a panel discussion about healthy eating, featuring myself, Yan, Chef Jesse Cool of Menlo Park’s Flea Street Cafe, and veteran broadcast journalist Alan Wang, founder of Newsworthy Media.
Tickets are $300. Food Gal readers receive a discounted price of $200 per ticket with the code: Foodie1.
I’ll be signing copies of my new cookbook, “East Bay Cooks: Signature Recipes from the Best Restaurants, Bars, and Bakeries” (Figure 1), at the event, with 10 percent of sales proceeds being donated to the American Liver Foundation.

CONTEST: One lucky Food Gal reader will win a free pair of tickets to the “Flavors of San Francisco” event (a total value of $600). Entries for the contest, open only to those who can attend the event on Nov. 13 in South San Francisco, will be accepted through midnight PST Nov. 2. Winner will be announced Nov. 4 on this blog.
How to win?
Just tell me what you do to keep your liver healthy. Best answer wins.
Here’s mine: “As you can imagine, with my job necessitating quite a lot of wine and cocktail tasting at special dinners and events, it can take a toll on the body. If I know I’m attending a wine-pairing dinner or wine tasting that week, I try to abstain from all alcohol the rest of the week. I also sip, never chug. I make sure to drink plenty of water to hydrate from the effects of alcohol — both during the event and the day after. I also have no qualms about not finishing my glass — no matter the price tag of what’s inside. That may be sacrilege to some, but I’d rather feel good and healthy than suffer the consequences later.”
Allowing food to be my medicine is a favorite way to to keep my liver healthy. Eating foods that contribute to an alkalizing diet, like beets and beet greens, is not only versatile, but a family favorite. Not only does my family enjoy beets for its fiber effect (I’m over 50), but it’s the beet greens that contain much of the nutrients and they’re easy to eat. For an easy meal, I’ll substitute beet greens to an insanely good soup called Lentil Soup with Chard. Recently, I substituted beet greens for spinach in my favorite Minestrone Soup. Eating my medicine has been a great way to keep my liver healthy and my family’s too.
As a food blogger and award winning contest cook myself born with autism and local celeb chef of south san Francisco, i love cooking and i enjoy eating decadent foods but my body also needs more veggies that are good for the liver and for your heart, and we all know that and obesity is a concern for adults and my advice to burn off calories is power walking and its a work in progress but want to help my family too eat well and be well
I always ensure that I drink a prescribed amount of water every single day (for me that is 120 ounces, close to a gallon). If you allow yourself to even become close to dehydrated, then consume alcohol, it is very difficult to get your electrolytes and water stores back to normal. If I know I am going out, I will increase my water intake during the day knowing that I will not drink as much water in the evening and that way I ensure I will hit my water target. When I am attending dinner party I will have a glass of sparkling water between glasses of wine (if multiples). At a party I will start with sparkling water with a lemon (seems more like a cocktail) and then have a cocktail or glass of wine, then I physically put it down, get another large glass of water (or fill my wine glass with water if I cannot do that) and mingle. Once that is done, only then will I have another glass of wine. I will never accept a cocktail or wine if it is one I know I will not thoroughly enjoy (for me that would something like be a super oaked California Chardonnay). And lastly, like many Europeans, I always have some sort of food with any alcoholic drink.